
Activity 5.2- Shingle Mountain Case Study

  Define the problem:  Immediate Issue(s): The obvious issue is the building of ‘Shingle Mountain’ next to a neighborhood community, along with the very delayed response/action it took to remove said problem. With ‘Shingle Mountain’ in the area so close to their homes, residents were forced to deal with many health related problems that arose from breathing in carcinogenic material in the air caused by activities from ‘Single Mountain’. (Fears, 2020).  Context: In 2017, two White business partners, Christopher Ganter and Cabe Chadick, had the idea to set up an illegal shingle recycling operation in an area in southwest Dallas (Fears, 2020). The area that they procured for this operation was situated right next to a majority Black neighborhood community, which ended up bearing the brunt of the environmental hazards caused by the “recycling” project. Dust from crushed shingles contains hazardous material, such as fiberglass and formaldehyde that go airborne when ripped ap...