Activity 5.1- Introduction to Environmental Justice

 Environmental Justice: the consideration and fair treatment of all people, regardless of race, color, nationality, or income, concerning any environmental policies/implementations (EPA, n.d.). No one group of people will suffer more environmental burdens than another because everyone will have equal environmental protection under the law (USDE, n.d.). 

Equal environmental benefits and burdens (Birritteri, 2021). 

Environmental Racism: the unequal distribution of environmental hazards, caused by industrial (oil, coal, gas mining), or agricultural activities, on a group of people due to discrimination. This usually refers to people of color (African/Indigenous), but encompasses any group of people treated unfairly in the environmental law-making process (Seven, 2022). 

Artwork depicting the segregation of Chicago (Howell, 2020).

Environmental Equity: the equal protection to all groups of people from any environmental hazards/disasters as a result from laws and policies guaranteeing these rights (Ecogardens, n.d.). No group will have more privilege over another since everyone will have equal access to the benefits and resources they need (Mobilize Green, 2018). 

Difference between environmental equality, equity, and justice (Mobilize Green, 2018).

Climate Justice: a concept that recognizes the unequal distribution of burdens in proportion to how much responsibility a person/group of people has in contributing to climate change. The poor, people of color, people with disabilities, or people in underdeveloped countries suffer more from the negatives of climate change despite contributing much less to the issue (Simmons, 2020). 

Depiction of how climate change affects even those who don’t contribute (Ben & Jerry’s, 2015)

Paragraph: This assignment provided me with information on many topics that I previously had no awareness of, but I think that the most surprising/important thing would have been the proper definition of ‘environmental justice’. Prior to this activity, I thought that the term ‘environmental justice’ referred to the action of protecting the Earth’s environment; however, I now know that it’s more about protecting people from the environment. It is the equal protection and fair treatment of all people, regardless of any differences, when considering any environmental laws, policies, or projects (EPA, n.d.). When implemented properly, no group of people will benefit or suffer more from environmental hazards or disasters due to equal protection under the law (USDE, n.d.). After learning this, I was not only educated on its correct definition, but also brought to attention on how much of an issue this actually is. Human society has always had a class structure where there is a clear group of people at the top and bottom. The people at the top (the rich) get to enjoy many more benefits while the people at the bottom (the poor) are usually neglected, ignored, and are often the ones that suffer from the decisions of those at the top. This is a problem that extends into many aspects of life, such as human relationships with the environment, and it needs to be brought into more awareness. 


Ben & Jerry’s. (2015, November 30). What is Climate Justice? 

Birritteri, R. (2021, November 1). Understanding NJ’s Environmental Justice Law. [Website]. New Jersey Business. 

Ecogardens. (n.d.). What is Environmental Equity? 

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (n.d.). Environmental Justice. 

Howell, Z. (2020, December 22). In a Segregated Chicago, Art Puts Environmental Racism on Display. [Website]. National Resources Defense Council. 

Mobilize Green. (2018). Environmental Equity Vs. Environmental Justice: What’s the Difference? 

Seven, Z. (2022, August 30). What Is Environmental Racism? [Website]. Verywell Mind. 

Simmons, D. (2020, July 29). What is ‘climate justice’? [Website]. Yale Climate Connections. 

United States Department of Energy (USDE). (n.d.). What is Environmental Justice?
